Introducing GWT 1.6, App Engine for Java and GWT Eclipse plugin

12 Apr

Starting today, there is a simpler way to use the JavaTM language to develop and deploy world-scalable web applications. We are very happy to announce today:

  • Google Plugin for Eclipse that supports a productive integration of the two.
  • Eclipse plugin ( Supports GWT & APP Engine)

    Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)

    Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)

    Detailed installation instructions

    If you are new to Eclipse, the following detailed installation instructions should be useful.

    Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.3 (Europa).

    Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede).


    GWT – Creating modules

    New GWT Module wizard

    Creating Entry point

    New Entry Point wizard

    Creating New HTML Pages

    New HTML wizard


    Posted by on April 12, 2009 in GWT, GWT Frameworks


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    5 responses to “Introducing GWT 1.6, App Engine for Java and GWT Eclipse plugin

    1. Patrick Staelens

      May 12, 2009 at 6:59 pm


      Can I ask a small question about the eclipse plugin (last version) usage.
      Is it possible to export a GWT 1.6 project to a jar or to deploy the GWT-application to a glassfish-server direct in stead of deploy to the Google Applic Engine? (I don’t have a Google Applic Engine (jet), and I need ssh connection to our systems)


    2. Vinay

      May 22, 2009 at 8:18 am

      Hi patrick,

      I am not sure about this plugin. but you can write a ant build script to deploy your jar to your remote glassfish server

    3. Vinay

      May 22, 2009 at 8:21 am


      Getting Ant to work with a secure (SSH) connection requires a few more steps in the process.

      Here’s some guidelines which may help anyone wanting to run ant builds using SSH:

      1. Once you’ve installed Eclipse, Ant and all the other bits, go and grab this:

      2. Copy the jar files in the archive over to wherever you installed Ant (in Windows, could be something like C:/Apps/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib/; on Linux it could be something like /home/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/apps/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib/)

      3. Add maverick-ant.jar to your classpath in Eclipse (Window > Preferences > Ant > Editor > Runtime > Add External Jars) OR set the Ant Home (using the Ant Home button) and point to the base folder {YOUR_LOCATION}/apps/apache-ant-1.6.5

      4. Go and get puttygen from

      5. Select ‘Generate’ and move the mouse around; this will create a random key pair.

      6. Create (and confirm) a key passphrase to add another layer of security

      7. Copy the Public key information Putty Key Generator has returned

      8. Log into your server (wherever you’re SSHing to) using the normal method (we’re using Putty here)

      9. edit /home/YOUR_USER_ID/.ssh/authorized_keys using your favourite editor and append the key information to that file, write the file and quit.

      (I put an empty line in between the entries and this worked fine)

      10. Save the private key locally using the save private key button in puttygen (you’ll need to be able to refer to this in your ANT xml below)

      11. Test it out in eclipse – create a build.xml file in your project, use the information below as a template and run the xml as an Ant build.

      i. A basic ANT script for authentication should look like this – I’ve added the ls command in to show it working, so the ant file will authenticate (and show you the stages of authentication) and will then execute ‘ls’ to retrieve a directory listing:

      Hope this helps. More information (as a tutorial) regarding ANT can be found here:

      And check the documentation that came with Maverick Ant for more information:

    4. Staelens Patrick

      May 22, 2009 at 8:38 am


      Thanks for the fast repay. I’m usd to use netbeans, there deploy is simply press the button.
      In Eclipse I found a fast way also. Via a dos-window, but it works fast also.
      -go to jar-dir
      -jar -cvf /tmp/wepapplic.war *
      -load war

    5. Mohd

      May 26, 2011 at 7:35 pm

      How can i deploy this in application server


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